Hey guys,
Remember when I told you, in one of my previous posts, that I cut out eating at nights? Well guess what? I have started back. Yes, I have relapsed and it's worst than before. But I suspect it's a mind thing. Mental sabotage, yes it's real!
It happens to the best of us, that plan 'to be committed to health and fitness' goes down the drain in seconds after the first bite of whatever is available in the fridge after 10pm.
With about two months left before I parade the streets of Port of Spain, I need to do whatever it takes so I've made a pic of me for this year's carnival, in costume, my home screen image on my phones, my laptop, my kid's tablet and I have also printed it out. My plan is to look at it for a minute before going to the fridge and convince myself that I should look at least five times better next year.
Now, if the said plan doesn't work, I am not going to panic. I will drown my hunger in two glasses of water then go right to bed.
You see, all it takes is a little plan and me airing out my dirty diet laundry to you guys via this blog. Things should be fine now.
Here is the pic I looked at a few minutes ago to test my plan.