Imagine, I have done fitness journeys before but none have been this hard. I am uncertain about 'why it's this difficult?' And, I can only speculate. Is it because it's being documented? Is it that age is catching up to me? Is it my obsession with food is winning the battle over self control? Is it a combination of the aforementioned reasons? What the hell is it this time? Anyway, the battle, despite how hard it is, is going to continue. Carnival 2016 will definitely see me with my 'banging Brazilian like' body.
For the past few weeks, I have been doing everything else but hitting the gym as as regularly as I should. It has been 14 struggling days and I have been to the gym only five times during that period. School, motherhood duties, family issues, and running a small business have all taken up valuable time. However, I am not going to think about giving up.
I am yet to pen my entire routine for the week (don't worry, I will let you guys know everything in a subsequent post) but, to give a a quick run down, I have included the following:
squats with free weights
hack squats
cardio (15mins max per workout)
free weight exercises for biceps/ triceps/ shoulders
leg and arm extensions
ab exercises
As for my diet, I have a million excuses why I haven't kicked bad habits completely. I am not entirely worried about that since the human body needs fuel when it's involved in moderate to advance exercise. My aim is to cut down one 1 bad habit a week. 'Nighttime eating' has been the only one to date. The next one will be to abandon soda type drinks such as Coke.
I am open to diet suggestions and advice so feel free to send some fitness recipes and comments. I will definitely appreciate it!
Below are a few pics during and after last week's workout...
Below are a few pics during and after last week's workout...
Just know that to me the best thing you did was, immediately after trying to figure out why it seems harder this time around, you caveat with "regardless, I'm not giving up" to me that's the one thing that will never fail you determination. Amidst all the hurdles and obstacles you're still pushing. The first hurdle in winning is,"showing up", even is sports, for a team to win by default SOMEBODY has to show up and you've decided that it's going to be you. You got this. As for diet tipa, I can't help you much there, I'm trying to shred so I eat mostly fruit and vegetables. I'm a believer in, watch your body response to certain foods and eating times and customize it to suit you because we're all different". Keep pushing I'm rooting for you on the sidelines. I wish you great success.